
What is a Percolator Bong & How Does it Work?

What is a Percolator Bong?

Water pipes, in general, provide the greatest degree of filtration for cannabis users. The way in which they cool and filter the smoke prior to it reaching your lungs is incredible. As such, this is one of theĀ best ways to smoke weed. But what if the best could be even...

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What to Look for in a Bong: Buying Guide for Water Pipes

What to Look for in a Bong

So you're ready to buy a water pipe but you're not quite sure what to look for in a bong. You've come to the right place. In our bong buying guide, you'll learn exactly how to choose the right bong for your unique preferences. Whether you're looking for a tall...

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The Top 4 Travel Bongs: Pros and Cons of Each

travel bong
When it comes to traveling, there are a few essentials that you just can't leave home without.
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5 Types of Stoner Tools for the Ultimate Stoner Kit

5 Types of Stoner Tools for the Ultimate Stoner Kit

If you're a stoner, then you know that having the right tools can make all the difference. From doob tubes to weed packer tools, there are a variety of items that can make your smoking experience better. We will break down the five types of stoner tools and their uses....

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The Different Types of Bongs and What They Offer

types of bongs with a guy smoking a bong

There are many different types of bongs on the market today. Some people might just think of a basic bong when they hear the word, but there are actually many different types of water pipes that offer a variety of features and benefits. In this article, we will discuss the...

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